Got Local? (A Local Digital Marketing Agency, That Is)

People tend to love local: Local food, local clothing, local attractions. In general, everyone can agree that local products and services are higher quality and more desirable. And we'd bet you'd make that argument with your own small business. Your products and services benefit the community you love more than any mass-produced items from a chain store.

Unfortunately, when it comes to digital marketing (If you aren't doing small business digital marketing yet, you should totally look into it), many companies opt for the big name national brands to help them get started. And here at Distinct Web Design, we think that might be a mistake, at least, if you want an experience and a campaign that is truly personalized to your company. Here are a few reasons to get local and hire a digital marketing agency based in your neck of the woods.

A local digital marketing agency is invested in the same community you are.

As a small business, remaining connected to your local community is critical to your survival and is part of who you are as a business owner who cares about the people you live among and work with.

That concern and connection need to be part of your digital marketing campaign. The only people who will care as much about your community as you do is a local digital marketing agency that lives and works within that same community.

For example, will a national agency understand the importance of your local summer festival and incorporate it into your marketing? Will a national agency be working alongside you after a natural disaster to alleviate the suffering of your neighbors? Will a national agency understand your local culture and tailor your campaign to it?

Someone who does not live in your community might not create a campaign quite as personalized to your location and its unique needs. A local digital marketing agency, however, will. That shared connection can not only lead to a better campaign overall, but can also save you time and effort you would otherwise spend trying to explain the ins and outs of your area to a company that just doesn't get it. Go with the digital marketing agency that gets it instead.

A local digital marketing agency facilitates in-person communication.

Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone face-to-face. An email can't quite communicate the details you need. A phone call does not allow you to read each other's body language. A conflict or miscommunication isn't improving through other forms of communication. The problem arises when the person you need to talk to is so far away that face-to-face discussions are difficult (or impossible).

Lucky for you, a local digital marketing agency makes in-person communication not only possible, but also pretty easy. Need to go over that analytics report? Set up a meeting in the office so you can dig deep into how your campaign is performing. Wonder why they made a decision about your Google AdWords campaign? Discuss the problem over coffee. Have a vision for your social media account? Describe it face-to-face so you both catch the vision. With a locally-based business, in-person communication is a breeze, and that benefits your campaign and your business as a whole.

A local digital marketing agency can leverage local connections.

A local digital marketing agency that is truly invested in their area will naturally have local connections and relationships, just like you do as a small business. But did you know that they can use those local connections to benefit your business, and your local digital marketing campaign?  

For example, maybe your digital marketing agency has some insights into why your competitors are pursuing certain strategies–and whether you need to follow suit. Perhaps they have ideas on people you can work with or advertise with to boost your visibility in your community. Regardless of how they choose to use their contacts, chances are those connections will benefit you and your digital marketing campaign, too, so embrace the digital marketing agency who can deliver local connections for a better campaign.

A local digital marketing agency provides a fast response time.

Sometimes, you need to hear from your digital marketing agency urgently. Your website is down. Your last social media post stirred controversy. A hiccup with your Google AdWords campaign has brought the entire thing to a standstill. You cannot wait days for a national agency to get back to you.

At times like that, a local digital marketing agency can be a great advantage. Thanks to their proximity, and their size, they can generally respond quickly to any problems you have. Now that days-long wait becomes a day-of sit down to hash out the problem. Your website experiences less downtime; your controversy is dealt with within hours, or your Google AdWords campaign is back up and running rapidly.

A local digital marketing agency can offer many benefits to small businesses. Here at Distinct Web Design, we offer a local feel to businesses that need a local touch. Do not hesitate to reach out and enjoy the advantages of a company that gets you–your business, your community, and your needs.