Using Start Up Services as a Start Up Business

What do you need, as a start up, to thrive? More than anything, you probably need people to use your products and services, to leave you positive reviews on social media and websites like Yelp, and to spread word of your brand to their networks. With this type of support, you can gradually build a thriving business that is both respected and trusted by a wide range of people.

Unfortunately, start ups like yours must often compete against big, brand-name businesses. Sometimes, it can be difficult to gain a foothold in your industry when so many potential customers are choosing the tried and proven brands rather than taking a risk on a new business.

When you look for services to support your start up (such as assistance with a social media campaign or a web design project), you might be tempted to go with a big company, too. But, before you do, think about the benefits that hiring a fellow start up can have for you both.
Support for Businesses like Yourself
When you choose to use start up services as a start up business yourself, you choose to demonstrate solidarity with people who are in the trenches alongside you. Think about the importance of new customers for your business. Think about the value of a positive review or recommendation in building your own brand name.

You can give this kind of support to another start up by choosing their services over a big brand name. By supporting each other, start up businesses give each other the kind of support that they each need to thrive in the marketplace. Just like buying local allows the local economy to flourish, so does hiring start ups allow new businesses to thrive.
Lower prices
Using start up services as a start up business allows you to benefit as well. Often (though not always) start ups are able and willing to offer lower prices than are their big company competitors. As a result, choosing to use the services of a start up company gives you the chance to both support a fellow start up and save some money for your own business. By spending less on services (such as a social media campaign or assistance with content creation), you enjoy more profitability as a business yourself. This win-win situation allows you to support the start up community of which you are a part while also doing what is best for your own burgeoning business.
Understanding of your needs
Another reason to use start up services as a start up business is because you enjoy a level of understanding regarding your needs that is impossible to get from a big business. Large companies are often out of touch with the unique needs of smaller businesses. For example, a big web design company might want you to commit to a certain number of pages, even though your business is not yet large enough to warrant that large of a website. Or, they might require you to spend a certain amount of money with them even though that sum is outside of your budget.

Start up services, on the other hand, understand your needs, because they have those needs as well. As a result, you enjoy support that is tailored to your needs as a small business. For example, we here at Distinct never require a minimum number of pages, or a minimum expenditure before we will work with you. Instead, we understand the needs of small businesses and offer a wide range of service packages (as well as custom packages) to meet those needs.
Personalized services
Of course, as a unique business, you will also have needs that go beyond the universal needs experienced by start ups. In these cases, start up services might be just what you need to tailor a solution to your unique problem. Start ups, because they are smaller, tend to offer more personalized service than do big companies. With a start up, you can expect things like face to face meetings, regular updates on your project, a listening ear as you describe your needs, and creativity and innovation in designing effective solutions.

If you want a place that remembers your name and sits down with you to talk through your expectations for a project, you might want to look at a start up. It will make it easier to receive exactly the kind of tailored help you need in order to grow your business.

As a start up business, you want to use services that will help your business thrive. But, you also want to be a valuable member of the start up community that relies on one another to succeed. By using start up services as a start up business, you can do both. You can give support to businesses like yourself while also enjoying lower prices, an understanding of your needs, and personalized services that will lead to a more successful and satisfying project. If you want to hire a start up service for any of your web needs, contact us here at Distinct Consulting. We would be happy to help a start up like yours in Rockleigh, New York to grow.

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