Bloggers, entrepreneurs, and businesses alike understand the importance of creating an inviting homepage. In the space of online advertisement and recognition, technological advances come at a fast pace, leaving the engagement process as a key component for customer service and viewer satisfaction. What are some methods I can use to keep my homepage inviting and serviceable to my users? Below we'll answer that question, paying close attention to details and areas that can be looked at for improvement.
The visual appeal of a website is what makes the butter churn, so to speak. Too many visuals can distract the user from gaining important first impressions and may cause for mission statement confusion. The key to creating a homepage with visual appeal is to approach it on a consistent basis. Use the same color schemes throughout to start off on the right foot with recognition concerns.
Word art is fine as long as it contributes to the common goal of the website. If you are promoting your products, place your logo in the upper right or upper left of your homepage. Keep the graphic small, but large enough to be visually recognizable. You can also use a facade approach, where you place your logo within the color scheme. If you wish to use this approach, try to blend the colors.
For example, if you have a baby blue background color scheme, use a darker shade of blue to facade your logo with. This is a subtle way to ensure you have the representation you need on the front of your page. As another relation to color scheme, try to focus on brighter colors. There have been documented studies that show people will pay closer attention to presented information if it contains a brighter color scheme.
Tab Allocation
Of second importance to the homepage is briefing a customer or viewer on the subject matter. Tabs will be used to give greater details, provide background content to the main purpose, and space out the information your website holds. The left or right side margins represent ideal locations for these tabs. If you aren’t sure how to set these up, you can get another party to help. Frontier Business services also suggest getting a good internet connection or communication plan to be sure your company can handle the online portions of your business.
Two important tabs to include on your website are “FAQs” and “Contact Us” tabs. The frequently asked questions (FAQ) tab is used to address popular concerns or ideas. This gives you a space to lay out additional details and prevents from clouding your homepage with confusing items. The “Contact Us” tab is important as well. It provides your customers and users with a piece of mind knowing you are readily available to address concerns, answer questions, or provide feedback. It can also offer the statistical advantages a peer review would hold, allowing you to focus in on areas that may need improvement. You can use a submission form or provide an e-mail address for this portion.
Slide Shows and Presentation Value
Most online homepages feature a banner. This can be used to display the latest news, present new ideas, and promote certain areas of a business/service. The popular choice to keep this area an inviting element is to use a slide show banner to display this information. Anywhere from 3-5 separate banners on a 5-10 second time frame can detail information to your users in a quick fashion. You can then link extra pages and informational pieces to each slide, taking your user to a deeper portion within your website. Using colorful imagery and associated word art is a proper choice for these banners, as you want to help connect with your users on a real level. This idea also supports the notion of people viewing additional areas of your website.
Showcase Achievements
Establishing a consumer base is often a tough task. Marketing to individuals is a carefully calculated process that often involves some time to reach the masses. One way to show-off your content is to have an area on the homepage that shows certifications, awards, and other elements of good faith for potential customers. A good place to post this information is at the bottom of your page. You want to include a portion that states your certifications and where they come from. Establishment dates and associated companies and services are also an important inclusion element.
For example, if you represent an online marketplace, display logos for accepted payment methods with embedded links to additional information about these companies. If you are an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, include their logo, linking the user to the awards and certifications you have received. If your website is in the infancy period, use previous experience to back your information. A small “About the Author” bio is a good option to create an association. You can also include previous customer or user statements in quotes to add an element of support. This section is small, often no larger than a paragraph. Use your space wisely and make sure you add all elements of achievement. This will help build a sense of trust with your consumer or user base.
Marking the end of making your website more inviting, we revisit some important notes. Combining all these elements will create a website that is more inviting to the user.
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