How Much Does a Website Cost in Greencastle, Indiana?

Compared to national averages, a website will probably cost you less in Greencastle, Indian. There are also other good reasons to choose a local web designer as opposed to larger national firm.

The price range for designing and developing a website can vary widely, from a few hundred dollars (If you build a DIY site using a template and your own skill and research) to more than ten thousand dollars. 

For small business websites of 5-25 pages, the price range is a little narrower, from a few hundred dollars to about $3,500.  

If you choose to use a web designer in Greencastle, Indiana, however, you may end up paying less than the national average. In this area, you may be able to pay as little as $500 for your web design and development project. 

In addition, as a Greencastle-area small business, you will benefit from the local expertise and commitment of these web designers. You will also enjoy simpler communication with and easier access to your designer and a more personal experience. 

Here are some of the area's leading website designers and developers:

Here is a look at what some of these web designers have to offer your small business. 

Small Business Focus

Greencastle area designers offer you a focus on small businesses that help you receive services tailored to your company's needs. By focusing on relieving the financial and time constraints under which your business works, they enable you to devote more resources to growing your business. 

Effective Designs

Greencastle web designers and developers avoid bland, cookie-cutter designs. Instead, they promise unique designs that allow your small business to stand out among the competition. Those designs might cost a little more, but they also deliver ROIs that more than make up for the financial investment. 

Multiple Services

You can get more than web design and development from Greencastle web designers and developers. You can also choose from services that will improve your site, from search engine optimization (SEO) to copywriting and branding. Just be aware that each of these services will come with extra costs that will increase the total expense of your web building project. 

Distinct: The Web Design Difference

Among Greencastle web designers and developers, Distinct Web Design stands out. We are committed to delivering everything other Greencastle web designers do, but with a difference that makes us the best, and most affordable, choice for small businesses. Here is what makes us different: 


Our services should meet your business needs. That is why we offer a toolbox of services from which you can choose when creating your perfect website and online presence. Choose the services you want, and avoid those that you do not need. Choose from almost three dozen services, including the following: 

  • Web hosting
  • Domain name registration
  • Web design and development
  • Website maintenance
  • Content creation
  • SEO 
  • And more

When you can choose the services you need, you pay only what is necessary to achieve your perfect website. 

Low Costs

Our commitment to small businesses is reflected in our pricing structure. Here, you can find the professional services you need at very reasonable prices. Affordability is intentional here at Distinct. 

Personalized Support

In order to craft a website that accurately reflects the heart and soul of your business, we deliver personalized support for your business. Every client receives access to a local marketing adviser. This professional builds a relationship with you that includes personalized guidance and support that is true to your business and to your area.

The cost of web design in Greencastle varies, but you can find affordable, quality, and customized web design. If you are a Greencastle business looking for a local web developer, look no further than us.