It’s 2018, and You Still Don’t Have a Digital Marketing Plan? It’s Time to Read This.

It's 2018, and You Still Don't Have a Digital Marketing Plan? It's Time to Read This.

One in five small businesses still doesn't use digital marketing, according to a recent report. That means, in 2018, a fifth of small companies doesn't send promotional emails or use Facebook to advertise their products. That's pretty shocking, right? These companies are missing out, big time. Digital marketing boosts sales, increases brand visibility and improves customer engagement. Here are three benefits of digital marketing in 2018.

1. Target the Right Customers

With digital marketing, small businesses can target the right people at the right time — customers interested in their products and services. Email automation and content marketing, in particular, allow these companies to segment customers based on factors like age, geo-location, and interests. As a result, they can move more customers through the sales funnel and boost revenue.
“Market segmentation can help a business identify underserved markets, which provide a golden opportunity for a business to establish itself as first in the market,”  says the Houston Chronicle.

2. Go Global

Before the internet, most small businesses just served people in their local area. Today, these companies can reach customers from around the world and become global brands. Digital marketing facilitates this process. Marketing methods like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing enable small companies to promote their products and services to a potential audience of millions.
Take Facebook, for example. In the second quarter of 2018, this social network had  2.234 billion users worldwide, making it a powerful marketing tool for small businesses.

3. Improve Your Sales Campaigns

One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is the vast amount of data it generates. Small businesses who work with a digital marketing company can access powerful insights into their customers and track them as they move through the sales pipeline. The latest metrics provide these companies with valuable customer intelligence — data that can solve problems and improve sales campaigns.
“By tracking specific metrics you can learn how online marketing adds value to your organization, find out how well it meets your strategic objectives, and discover ways to refine your website and social media activities to further improve performance,”  says The Hartford.
These are just three benefits of digital marketing that every small business needs to know about. If you own a small business in Indiana and still haven't incorporated digital marketing into your business plan, contact one of our friendly team to find out how we can help.